Walgreens Poaches Starbucks Executive Rosalind Brewer for CEO

Walgreens Poaches Starbucks Executive Rosalind Brewer for CEO

Rosalind Brewer, speaking at Starbucks’ 2019 annual meeting, joined the coffee giant from Walmart. Images: JASON REDMOND/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES. Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. named Starbucks Corp. operating chief Rosalind Brewer as its next chief executive, setting her up to be the only Black woman leading a Fortune 500 company today. Ms. Brewer will replace Stefano Pessina, […]

Walgreens Poaches Starbucks Executive Rosalind Brewer for CEO Lire la suite »


Edito des Commo : Come-back du cobalt, du pétrole de schiste et de l’inflation ?

On les pensait morts et pourtant, leur renaissance pourrait bien marquer cette nouvelle année boursière. Je parle du retour en force du cobalt, dont les prix ne cessent de progresser depuis le 1er janvier, du pétrole de schiste US, qui n’a pas dit son dernier mot et de l’inflation, qui pourrait pointer le bout de son nez, une bonne nouvelle pour les acheteurs d’or.

Edito des Commo : Come-back du cobalt, du pétrole de schiste et de l’inflation ? Lire la suite »


Apple Wants to Buy Cobalt Directly From Miners

The iPhone maker is reportedly keen to secure several thousand metric tons of cobalt, a key ingredient used to power smartphone batteries, for five years or longer, the anonymous sources said. Apple, one of the world’s biggest users of cobalt, is believed to have first opened talks with miners over a year ago in a bid to avoid getting caught out by potential future shortages of the raw material. Two-thirds of supplies come from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Apple Wants to Buy Cobalt Directly From Miners Lire la suite »
